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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Healthy Sweets Kids Love to Make: Honey Balls

Our family is always on the lookout for good-tasting, healthy sweets that are quick to make.  If they are fun for the children to mix up and put together, that's a double bonus.  A recipe that I have been using for decades that we never tire of is for Honey Balls.

Just four ingredients are used, and this only takes about 15 minutes to create, depending on how many little helpful hands you have. 

 In a smaller mixing bowl, stir together 1/2 cup of peanut butter and 1/2 cup of honey.  In another bowl, mix 1 cup of quick oats and 1 cup of dry milk powder.  Then just add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well.  I have to get in there with my hands to get it thoroughly combined.  This is part of the fun of it if you have children who like to get gooey.  I have one child who does not.

Finally, everyone gets to roll it into small balls and then refrigerate.  Licking the extra sticky goo off fingers is optional.


  1. Yum, these sound good! I think one of my two have had these and really liked them! I'll have to make some and sneak in a little flax!

    1. Flax is a great idea for adding some more fiber. I'll have to try that.

  2. Your kids are so good at making these: we gobble them up right away!!!

    1. Thank you. We'll have to make them again the next time we get together!


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